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Unlocking Revelation

The simple truth about the book of revelation.

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Rev. Rose was given a dream of the rapture after the first of the recent 4 blood moons, in 2014.  Receiving many visions to follow, she was inspired to share what God was telling her about the Book of Revelation, and the soon return of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.  It is the full explanation of the Book of Revelation. In this book, Rev. Rose shares what God has told her of Jesus coming, her visions, what is expected of his Bride, and God’s true worship days.  She adds some of her personal theories of prophetic timing she has come to know. Without the Spirit of the Living God, there is no way these prophesy’s unfolding today, could have been known by Apostle John, a Believer in Jesus as the true Messiah, almost two thousand years ago. The book of Revelation was meant to be open only now, when time is very close. Use the button below to download  “Unlocking Revelation”.


  • If you desire to know about the end time events and what to expect this is the book to buy. Totally unlocks Revelation as its title says. This is a book to buy immediately!!!
    Tony Carpio
  • The author really challenged my conventional view of the end times. She makes the reader think and challenges basic assumption. However, some of her eschatology is subjective based on personal revelation. None the less, the author backs her points with some good research.
    Allan Davis
  • It was a eye opener, and I knew now that we are in the very end days before Jesus return and this great Judgment. The book was a sobering and urgent message with crucial pieces of intel. The lord led me to buy the book in bulk and distribute to people. I was so grateful to have the book, and  I really wish for people to be armed with the information in the book.   I truly believe that the Lord gave Rev. Rose the true meaning of the book of Revelation. Piece by piece it was all confirmed to me. I am determined to warn everyone I meet, of this urgent and sobering message, (of the meaning of Gods word). I feel very grateful to have this book and believe that the knowledge in it is a matter of life and death for others.
    Suzanne Speltz
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About The Author

THE BRIDEGROOM IS COMING, “AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME.” Rev. Rose Jacques, has evangelized worldwide for 28 years, and has pastored and advised many pastors. After hearing from the Lord, of Jesus eminent coming, having dreams and visions, she was aspired to write this book of the full meaning of the Book of Revelation. She has seen many miracles, and can attest that God is real. It is time to wake up and follow the Holy Spirit.

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